Become a more creative leader today!

Dr. Michael Brenner

If your organization is affiliated with the Philadelphia chapter of IMS (Institute for Management Studies), I’d like to invite you and your team to attend my upcoming session on February 16 at the Springfield Country Club.  As you’re no doubt aware, today’s complex problems call for Creative Leadership – the ability and willingness to look at problems from new angles, explore unfamiliar paths, and accept ambiguity and unpredictability rather than resist them.

In this session, we’ll immerse ourselves in 4 distinct but interrelated dimensions of Creative Leadership – Spontaneity, Vision, Curiosity, and Simplicity.  We’ll discuss how to harness these 4 essential skills in your own workplace, drawing from the work of artists, scientists, and businesspeople.  But this is no abstract topic – you’ll learn powerful, practical strategies for unleashing your ability to lead with courage, change with confidence, and face an uncertain future with your creative and critical thinking skills fully engaged.

Here’s a “sneak preview” of the session:
For more information, please click here:

I hope to see you on the 16th!  By the way, you’ll find more connections between music and leadership in my article “What Can Leaders Learn From Musicians?” available for free here:

In harmony,
